
Jungle Outpost
Discover more New Guinea art for sale at our online store or at our physical location in Rapid City, South Dakota (USA). Located on the grounds of the world renowned Reptile Gardens, our collection of tribal art features the largest selection of New Guinea art in the western hemisphere.

Learn more about the art and peoples of New Guinea. This site is a resource of quality (and true) information on Papua New Guinea, West Papua, and Indonesia - find maps, photos, and personal experiences based on 40 years of collecting in the field.

Michael Hamson
Private gallery dealing in museum quality art primarily from New Guinea.

"Art, in the most general sense of the word, as a phenomenon that attempts to reach beyond the everyday world and at first sight pursues no readily apparent or understandable purpose, is something that is found in all human communities. It would be impossible to imagine the existence of man without art in some form or another..."

- Buehler, Barrow, and Mountford, The Art of the South Sea Islands 1962